Walking a Winding Path

"We walk a winding path." --Gabriel Marcel


A celebration of the sacred, of life, of compassion and generosity-- and of strength and resilience in the face of adversity-- in the tradition of the great Native American mythos. An invitation to travel the Coyote Road, which, in Native American legends means to be headed to a wild, unpredictable, and transformative destiny. A companion to those who follow the path of the Trickster, which is neither a safe nor comfortable way to go-- but one abundant with surprise and adventure.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Feeling at Home

I just want to take a moment, before my day begins, to share what has become somewhat rare for me lately: the Quiet, the serene feeling of being at home.

I have been swirling in such a maelstrom of emotions! I have worked to hear and quiet the multitude of voices within and without, to pay heed, to acknowledge, to be attentive. I have benefited from the support and the encouragement. But I have also missed the Quiet.

I have persisted in activities-- and I have been busy! There are phone calls to be made, letters to be written, arrangements and re-arrangements to be done. More often than not, I have felt a sense of accomplishment for what I have attended to. But I have rarely set aside time for the Quiet.

This AM I arose, made coffee, watered the plants, and fed the birds-- and made my way to my Spot, where let the sounds of the day flow through me. Birds have been to the feeder. Cars have hit the street. Waste Management has begun its noisy work of removing the remains of our yesterdays. Occasionally, the wind chime adds a tone, but the air is cool, the sky dark, and the stillness only gently disturbed.

I have tried to say nothing. It is easier not to speak than it is to silence the chatter in my head, so it is the latter conversation that I try not to pick up. And when I am successful, in conditions such as this, sitting in my Spot... I can enjoy the Quiet.

This morning, I am indeed enjoying the Quiet.

And I can be still... and I can know again the I AM who is God...

Thank you for praying with me...


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